How to get kids interested in physical exercises

Updated on: 22-10-2024

How to get kids interested in physical exercises


If you're like most parents, physical activity is something that you'd rather not think about. But if your kids are looking to get in shape and be healthy, it's important that you start early.

Get kids involved in physical activities that you enjoy as well.

You'll want to get your kids involved in physical activities that you enjoy as well. This will show them that it's OK for them to be athletic and do something they love, too!

If your family loves hiking, go on some hikes together--or plan a day out at the park or zoo where there are plenty of opportunities for exercise. You could even take turns being the leader so everyone gets a turn leading their group on an expedition (or just follow along if you're not into leading).

If one of your kids is already an athlete at school or has been playing sports since they were young, encourage him or her to try new things by letting him know what kind of fun activities exist nearby; maybe there are lessons available through volunteer organizations? Or perhaps there's an after-school program available through his school district? These options can provide hours upon hours worth of fun without having any impact on academics whatsoever; this makes them ideal for anyone looking for something different than what may otherwise seem like work when pressed hard enough!

Take a family vacation that is active.

You can make your vacation active by doing things that you enjoy. Try to find activities that will get all of your family members involved and have fun.

If you are going on a beach vacation, go out at night and look for sea life. If the weather is cold, go sledding down the hill in front of the house or take advantage of any snowfall that might be happening nearby (if there's snow).

When we went camping last year, my husband knew what he wanted us to do: hike up into some nearby mountains while watching as many birds as possible! We had so much fun doing this together--it wasn't just about seeing birds either--it was also about bonding as a family over something we loved doing together!

Give them the opportunity to try out different sports and activities.

To get your child interested in physical activity, you'll want to give them the opportunity to try out different sports and activities. This can be as simple as letting them pick out their own shoes or clothes for an upcoming event. It may also mean allowing them to take part in team sports at school or volunteering with a local youth group.

Letting children try out new things is important because it helps them see what they like--and if they don't like something, then it gives them an opportunity to find another hobby instead!

Be a good role model by being physically active yourself.

If you want your kids to be active, it's important that you are physically active yourself. If they see you doing something and enjoy it, they will want to do the same things with their children. Some ideas include:

  • Walking or hiking together with your kids
  • Playing some sport together
  • Going on an adventure trip or camping trip with friends

Make exercise a game or a fun challenge for them.

Make exercise a game or a fun challenge for them.

You can do this by setting up competitions, such as who can complete the most sit-ups in 30 seconds, or who is the fastest to run around the house and back. You could also make it into an exercise challenge where you are all racing against each other to see who finishes first!

Help your children understand that regular physical activity is not optional

  • Help your children understand that regular physical activity is not optional.
  • The importance of physical activity cannot be overstated. It's critical to the health and well-being of children, and it can have a profound impact on their academic performance as well. Studies have shown that kids who don't get enough exercise in elementary school are more likely to have trouble paying attention in class (as well as other areas) later on in life, while those who participate in an active lifestyle tend to do better academically than those who don't. In addition to improving overall mental function, regular exercise has also been linked with improved sleep quality; decreased stress levels; increased creativity; higher self-esteem; better decision making skills; stronger body composition (i.e., muscle mass); lower risk for obesity later on in life--the list goes on!
  • Help your child understand why he needs his own gym membership or membership at nearby YMCA/YWCA/PTA etcetera so he can stay fit all year round without missing out too much schoolwork due to sicknesses like colds etcetera!

Make sure they're exercising in ways that are age-appropriate.

  • Make sure they're exercising in ways that are age-appropriate.
  • Some kids should be active, but not too active.
  • How do you know if your child is doing too much? It's easy to tell if a kid has been overdoing it by his/her sweaty face and lack of coordination, but how do we know when our children have had enough? Simple: ask them! If they say yes, then congratulations: you've found out how much activity is too much for your child. Help them figure out how much exercise is right for them--and let them know about all the fun activities that go along with being physically fit!

Don't push too hard, just encourage gently and support their interests.

If you want your child to be more active and get more physically fit, it's important that you don't push too hard. There are several things that can make kids less likely to exercise:

  • Pushing them too hard (i.e., "You need to go for a run every morning before school!"). Don't do this! It will only increase their feelings of guilt about not doing what their parents want them to do and make them feel guilty about not meeting your expectations instead of feeling good about themselves for following through with their own goals. Instead, let the child know when they're doing well and offer encouragement along those lines--and if they don't like running/walking/jogging/etc., then just tell them so rather than pushing them into being something they're not interested in doing right now or ever again in their lives!
  • Making it seem like there's no other choice but physical activity than yours (i.e., "If we aren't exercising every day then our bodies won't stay healthy"). This is especially true if your children see other kids around school who seem to have perfect figures while theirs seem dulled down by lack of activity--it might help explain why some kids give up on exercise altogether without trying at all first!

Being active with your kids is great way to both have fun and be physically healthy together

  • Being active with your kids is a great way to both have fun and be physically healthy together.
  • Physical activity is good for your health, especially for children. It increases the likelihood of reducing childhood obesity, as well as improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure among adults.
  • Being active is also beneficial in terms of mental health; it reduces stress levels and anxiety caused by everyday life pressures or schoolwork (as well as helping you sleep better).
  • Social benefits are another reason why physical activity should be encouraged at home: it builds relationships between family members who may not otherwise interact outside the house due to time constraints or other reasons.*


If you have children, you know how much they love to be active. But what if your kids aren't interested in the same activities that your family does? It's important for parents to find ways to get their children excited about physical exercises, especially when there are so many options in our modern world.